Monday, May 18, 2009

Beutiful commercial websites

  • This is a website of a fibre drink
  • The main colour and theme are feminine,suit for the target audience which are female too
  • They use image of model,pretty girls to show the healthiness of the drink
  • the website form is not in box,it's in half rounded

  • This is a website of launching a Peugeot Car
  • The main colour is Blue and white
  • althou it's using boxy style,but the way the website interact with user is intersting
  • you can change the colour of the car using colouring method
  • they intoduce the car and it's sparepart in a more fun way

  • This website is a website of drinks
  • The overall colour is harmony,nice matvh with the drinks.
  • they make the drinks bcome a character and with own story
  • the layout is without a "frame", and abit different of everypage
  • feel the fun of the product

  • This is a korea site, it's a website of a beer brand
  • the website contruction is not in boxy type but curvy type
  • and the beer image itself got smoke,feel very alive
  • the whole environment is interesting, match with the beer image
  • the navigation button change in interesting way,unike normal ways.

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